Extract faces from images using python and OpenCV
>>> python NoFace.py -d -p 'G:\DeepFake\NoFace\TestImg'
Directory: G:\NotImportant\NoFace\vid
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 2018-02-12 6:22 AM 10620330 Short Walks.mp4
>>> python NoFace.py -v -p 'G:\DeepFake\NoFace\vid'
Then check the new 'faces' folder in that directory
This flag indicates the path, it is necessary unless the file(s) you want to process are in the same directory with NoFace
This flag indicates a directory of images
This flag indicates a directory of video files. It will create a new folder for each video
- Actual testing, this thing is a time bomb right now
- Add more inpur verification (read any inpur verification at all
- More checking of what files are where before I start doing processing on them
- A better progess viewer
- The face dection isn't all that great in a video with few faces (oops)
- Maybe look into methods of improving accuracy