A WIP C++ library for Discord applications.
- Fully asynchronous, perfect for single-threaded applications
- Low memory footprint
- Discord API v10 support
- Gateway support, with auto-reconnect
- JSON support, convert and serialize events/structures to/from JSON
Ekizu leverages the asio library for asynchronous I/O. This allows us to achieve concurrency without the need for a thread pool. For example:
#include <ekizu/async_main.hpp>
#include <ekizu/http_client.hpp>
#include <ekizu/shard.hpp>
using namespace ekizu;
Result<> handle_event(const Event &ev, const HttpClient &http,
const asio::yield_context &yield);
async_main(const asio::yield_context &yield) {
const std::string token{std::getenv("DISCORD_TOKEN")};
HttpClient http{token};
Shard shard{ShardId::ONE, token, Intents::AllIntents};
while (true) {
auto res = shard.next_event(yield);
if (!res) {
if (res.error().failed()) {
"Failed to get next event: {}", res.error().message());
return res.error();
// Could be handling a non-dispatch event.
[e = std::move(res.value()), &http](auto y) {
(void)handle_event(e, http, y);
return outcome::success();
Result<> handle_event(const Event &ev, const HttpClient &http,
const asio::yield_context &yield) {
[&](auto &&event) {
using T = std::decay_t<decltype(event)>;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, MessageCreate>) {
const auto &[msg] = event;
if (msg.content == "ping") {
return outcome::success();
This example makes use of a macro called async_main, which defines a main entrypoint that runs a boost::asio::io_context. It is not mandatory and is optionally included in the
For more feature-complete examples, see examples or my bot Saber.
- CMake (version >= 3.16)
- Compiler with C++17 support, i.e. MSVC, GCC, Clang
This library uses CPM.cmake to manage dependencies. It is an amazing package manager for CMake projects and allows us to install the entire library using the following commands:
git clone https://www.github.com/jontitorr/ekizu
cd ekizu
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build --target install
From there you can simply integrate it into your CMake project like so:
find_package(ekizu REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE ekizu::ekizu)
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome. After cloning and setting up project locally, you can just submit a PR to this repo and it will be deployed once it's accepted.
Take full advantage of the .clang-format file located in the root of the project to ensure that your code is properly formatted.
- fmt (comes bundled with project)
- Boost (ASIO, Beast, Outcome, URL) (comes bundled with project, unless you have it installed)
- nlohmann_json (comes bundled with project)
- zlib (comes bundled with project, unless you have it installed)