One process at a time
Main memory is divided into separate memory regions or memory partitions. Each holds a separate jobs address space.
- Static Partition - Job sizes will enter the partition
- Dynamic Partition - Job sizes will enter the CPU to create a partition
- Best Fit
Allocate the smallest hole that is big enough
- First Fit
Allocate the first hole that is big enough
- Best Fit
* A process is said to be running if it currently has the CPU
* A process is said to be ready if it could use the CPU if one were available
* A process is said to be blocked if it is waiting for some event to happen before it can proceed
- Non-preemptive - Process CAN'T be taken away by another process
- First Come First Serve
- Shortest Job First
- Priority
- Preemptive - Process CAN be taken away by another process
- Priority
- Shortest Remaining Time First
- Round Robin
Quantum time = 5
- PyQt5