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快捷生成CSS Flex布局代码的VS Code插件(类似于Google开发者控制台里的Flex布局工具)
A plugin to generate CSS Flex layout code (Similar to the Flexbox inspector tool in Google Developer Console)
- 支持多类css文件(Supports multiple types of CSS files)
- 保持代码缩进格式(Maintain code indentation format)
- 兼容深色与浅色主题(Compatible with both dark and light themes)
- 自动替换同属性代码(Automatically replaces duplicate code with the same properties)
This plugin is not recommended for use with compressed CSS code or inline styles in HTML.
- 本插件参考于css-flexbox-cheatsheet (This plugin is modified based on css-flexbox-cheatsheet)
- 由小秋AI提供辅助支持,赞美AI!( XiaoQiu AI provides auxiliary support. Praising AI!)
- 私货:小秋标签页,独立开发的聚合搜索标签页。