- Imports and uses proxies(keeps you off of Instagram's blacklist)
- Imports passwords
- Sorts and cleans proxies and passwords
- Provides after-action reports
- Notifies on "Suspicious Login Attempt Flags"
- Apply custom timeout values
- Multi-Threaded cracking
- Run with switches or open menu
- Python 2.7
- Basic knowledge of the Linux command line
- Connection to the internet
Download: wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/the-red-team/ReFlashIG/master/ReFlashIG.py" -O ReFlashIG.py
Copy your password list into the same directory as ReFlashIG.py
If you already have your own list of proxies, make sure that is also in the same directory
Download: wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/the-red-team/ReFlashIG/master/get_proxies.py" -O get_proxies.py
Download: wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/the-red-team/ReFlashIG/master/test_proxies.py" -O test_proxies.py
1. Run: python get_proxies.py output.txt 10
2. Run: python test_proxies.py -x output.txt -o proxies.txt -t 5
- This will take the list of proxies from
and save the proxies that beat a timeout of 5 seconds toproxies.txt
- Check your list of proxies. If you want more, repeat steps 1 and 2
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Developed By: @the.red.team2
Usage: ReFlashIG.py [-i] [-m] [-v] [-c <thread count>] -u <username> -p <password file> -x <proxy file> -t <timeout>
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u USERNAME Instagram username to target
-p PASSWORD_FILE File containing list of passwords
-x PROXY File containing list of proxies
-t TIMEOUT Instagram connection timeout
-c THREAD_COUNT Thread count
-v Verbose output
-m Open interactive menu
-i Information page
Example: python ReFlash.py -u the.red.team2 -p passwords.txt -x proxies.txt -t 5 -v
Run: python ReFlash.py -m
- This will walk you through a step-by-step process to run a password cracking session.