Socketchat Client is a frontend chat app implemented with React and I designed and styled the UI, built it out in React and then built the backend server on Express and which implements WebSockets.
Users should be able to:
- Join a chat room of choice with a custom user nickname.
- Chat with other users
- See the names of other users online
- Navigate the app with keyboard and screen readers.
- View the optimal layout depending on their device's screen size
- See hover states for all interactive elements on the page
- Solution Code: This repo, check out the code!
I wanted this app to feel great no matter what device the user was on. This starts with a mobile-first approach while closely following accessbility pratices to satisfy the needs of the widest possible user base while providing the best user experience possible.
I spent the majority of the project development process making sure the app felt great on all sorts of screen sizes.
I also wanted the app to feel fast, snappy, responsive and reliable so spent a good deal of time sweetening the hover states, animations and UX involving the menu.
- React
- Semantic HTML5
- Mobile-first approach
- Styled from scratch with SCSS mixins and partials for oragnized, reuseable SCSS
REACT: This project sold me on React. Having built a few other projects in React before I wasn't quite sold but this project made me a believer.The power of Hooks like useEffect
and useState
make it too easy to crank out highly reliable state management and side effects like fetching fresh data from
Here's an example:
useEffect(() => {
// Generate profile pic & set it
const { pic, picIndex } = getRandomProfilePic()
// Parse room and user name from URL
const { room, name } = queryString.parse(;
// connect to backend
socket = io(ENDPOINT);
socket.emit('join', { name, room, picIndex }, (callbackMessage) => {
// Alert user if their nickname is unavailable
if (callbackMessage) {
window.location = '/';
// Cleanup
return () => {
}, [ENDPOINT,]) The power of websockets! The fast, interactive, event-driven nature of Websockets feels intuitive to me and introduces so many exciting possibilities than traditional HTTP requests. I am looking foward to working with them more in future usecases such as video conferencing and game development apps.
There is a lot to this app that could be expanded like adding persistant data storage, user authentication, profiles, private messaging, and more. I may try adding voice chat at some point to learn more about modern browser media capabilities.
Here are a few helpful documents that I leaned on while building out this app
- Be sure to follow me on Github!
- Connect with me on LinkedIn - Michael Carr
- Twitter - @xyeres