🔗 Try it live at app.recessfeed.com
A content aggregator for keeping up and interacting with siloed content.
Follow, discover, and engage with personal websites, blogs, and other sources of meaningful content that are often hard to find.
Please note that while Recess is open source and you could deploy your own Recess, this repo was not structured in a way for simplified open source deployments (yet). As such you'd likely need to fork Recess to deploy your own version of it e.g. for internal use. I'll hopefully support this in the future.
The backend will run on localhost:8000
and the frontend will be accessible on localhost:3000
by default.
From the root directory, run:
# recommended to use pyenv or virtualenv
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver
from the root directory, run:
cd frontend
yarn install
yarn start