#1. Multiple Keys and Compare Methods
-k field_name field_type compare_method [-k ...]
e.g. ./psort -k '@U:' 'STR' '>' -k '@s:' 'UINT' '<'
This configuration will let psort compare records' "@U:" fields by string comparison in decending order. If the field of two records are equal, then psort will compare "@s:" fields by numerical comparison in accending order.
Note the order of -k options is the preference of keys.
See section - Supported Type - for more information about field type.
#2. Memory Limitation and Reservation
-M integer[k|m|g] -r percentage
e.g. -M 100m -r 20
The 100m argument indicates that the maximum memroy usage is 100 MB. The -r option let psort preserve 20% of 100m in the first phase, to reduce probability of repartition.
#3. Supported Types
UNIT - unsigned integer
INT - integer
LLONG - long long integer
DOUBLE - double float
STR - string
Note the STR type introduces greater data movement due to copy semantic maintainence. In case of psort, STRREF is recommanded.
#4. Output - Pivot File and Part File
-p file
After partitioning input data, a pivot file - default name is pv.file - will be genterated. If given -p option, the file will be used as name of pivot file instead.
Assume given command is
./psort -k '@U:' 'STR' -k '@s:' 'UNIT'
Format of pivot recored is as follows:
@U:string value
@s:integer value
e.g. Let pivot file contains two pivot records such as:
# pivot record #0
# pivot record #1
This pivot file corresponds to three .part files - 0.part, 1.part, and 2.part.
Records partitioned to 0.part are less than pivot record #0. To records contained by 1.part, they are greater or equal to pivot record #0. Vice versa, record in 2.part are greater than pivot record #1.
#5. Input
./psort [-f file]
If [-f file] given, then psort read input data from file. (*)Otherwise, it read input data from standard input.
(*)Current version does not support stdin source
#6. Record Begin Pattern
./psort -b '@\n@GAIS_Rec:\n'
Argument follows -b option will be used as record begin pattern. psort translates "\n" string to '\n' character automatically.