- PHP 7.3
- Docker & Docker compose
- Symfony CLI
- Node & NPM
git clone git@github.com:yanngallis/symfony-test.git
docker-compose up -d
composer install
npm install
npm run build
symfony d:m:m
symfony doctrine:fixtures:load
symfony serve -d
- Clone the repository.
- Create a new branch with your name
- An unauthenticated user is not allowed to purchase a product.
- When a user clicks on the "Buy the product" link, it will open a Stripe window that will allow the user to enter their credit card information in order to make the purchase.
- Confirm purchase to the user when it is validate.
- Commit your changes to the repository into your own branch.
User's credentials are : admin@test.com / password (created by fixtures)
Stripe credentials are :
- Public key : pk_test_51KX3c7Cltqi2ui8526EIBsemulmBY84cysH7uD9zH6Q1J5Ejpw4nOuEz4fbX9hpqRR10fGMksEcc5VVzPQ54pU2i00dt8z6gaW
- Private key : sk_test_51KX3c7Cltqi2ui856ZLMGZVA4GYfreLadqdihnMa5vDzEVwVnJbVTztmRe48kY6F9jRXo7n6hjksod5E4RZnIxOb00tAu3CPF7