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You will make use of everything that you have learned thus far in the bootcamp to build an e-commerce app that will showcase all of the provided wearables_ items.
The stack is React.Js, Node.Js, and styled-components.
Your node server should be RESTful and follow REST principles, at least to the extent we learned during the bootcamp.
✋ You CANNOT use any external UI libraries, including, but not limited to, Material UI, Bootstrap to style your project!
You have your assignment and your team. What should you do first? This will vary for every team, and even every team member.
The important thing is to NOT just jump in and start coding!
There probably shouldn't be any coding until very near the end of the first day.
Each team has been assigned a product manager. This person is in charge of answering questions, guiding you and basically preventing everything from falling apart!
This person should be present for some of your team meetings, but not all. PMs are super busy people and have multiple projects/people to manage. 😉
- You will break into groups (with your assigned PM.)
- Your PM will answer any initial questions, and give you more information, as required.
- Breakout into a separate meeting with just your team. Your PM will bounce from team to team to make sure you're on track.
- Time to use the Kickoff Meeting Agenda
It could also be a good/fun idea to give yourselves an original team name. :)
Your first team meeting should start with the Kickoff Meeting Agenda.
Successful Software Project Delivery in 10 Steps.
💡 How a project starts is indicative of how it will end.
The most important aspect of this project is the ability to work in a team. No matter your contribution to the project, you should understand the FULL codebase. This will require that you
- Review each other's code.
- Ask questions when you don't understand.
- Comment your code extensively. Always go for clarity over brevity.
- Communicate with your team.
See the Step by Step Document
You can see the guidelines here
Your team will have to present the final product on the final day in order to get a passing grade. Who will draw the short straw?
- The presentation shouldn't be more than 5 minutes long.