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This repository is for implementing different algorithms and solving some competitive programming problems its only for me so please don't send pull requests if you have any idea mail me at You Can Clone and Use it as per your need.



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This repository is for implementing different algorithms its only for me so please don't send pull requests if you have any idea mail me at

Learning Programming like a pro

Learning how to program is easy. But becoming a pro is tough and for real world problems you need to be a pro. You will find a need of becoming a pro when you will confront a efficiency problem or a NP Hard problem or a problem that requires knowledge of a particular domain like game development requires knowledge of physics. I am definately not a pro. But I am trying hard to enable my self to programs some cool and fast stuff. I like Big data and data storage domain. For working there I need to learn compression,networking and serialization and alot other stuff. but for being able to program LZ4 or Dictionary Encoding a prerequisite of math and programming is required and I am learning that for now. You can also start learning if you are interested in the same goal.


For practice.

  1. HackerRank
  2. HackerEarth
  3. CodeForces
  4. Programming-Challenges
  5. Uva-online judge
  6. Lot others exist you can search on google for 'competitive programming websites these are my favorite. if you feel that the level of this websites is quite hard go for coding bat. its really nice.

For planned practice.

  1. Codemonk -: An Initiative by HackerEarth which teaches everything from basic-programming to datastructures number theory.
  2. Algorithms and DataStructures Domain-: This is a part of HackerRank very well catagorised problems again covers a lot of topics

For learning.

If you are a self taught programmer and wants to learn more in depth of Programming go for the courses I specified below.

  1. DataStructures and Algorithms from stonebrooks university
  2. Analysis of Algorithms by Steven Skiena (youtube)
  3. Algorithms and Datastuctures I and II from robert sedgewick.(youtube)
  4. if you want some more courses you can also search for Open Source Society University.


  1. Any random guy from computer science will tell you that Introduction to Algorithms is the best book in algorithm design but my opinion is its a book for a math grads not for a self taught programmer.So if you want my suggestion first go for Algoritm Design Manual by Steven Skiena (preferably with his course on youtube)
  2. If you are done with that than you can start with Algorithms+DataStructures by Robert Sedgewick
  3. If you crossed that hurdle as well Now go for Introduction to Algorithms by The Great Cormen
  4. If you are bored and done with these all now for timepass you can go something even better The art of programming by Knuth
  5. Some more bed time story books the mythical man month,Programming Pearls.


I am definetly not an expert on this topic so please choose the path at your own risk. This is my plan I am only at a 3-5% level completion for now.


This repository is for implementing different algorithms and solving some competitive programming problems its only for me so please don't send pull requests if you have any idea mail me at You Can Clone and Use it as per your need.








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