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yhmtmt edited this page Dec 20, 2014 · 3 revisions





The build environment should be Visual Studio 2010 or later. After downloading aws's codes, creating the console application project including the aws's codes and libraries below.

The include and library paths of the libraries should be correctly set at the project. Be careful of how the binaries of the libraries are built. If you need to construct x64 build environment, you need to prepare the binaries of them compiled as x64 ones. Also you should note that the Visual Studio version used for the compilation of the libraries. If you use the binaries built on different version of Visual Studio, you should prepare their corresponding runtime libraries for both Debug and Release.
To use aws effectively, you should construct UNIX like system on your Windows system by installing cygwin.

If you need to play video through DirectShow install both Haali Media Splitter and ffdshow


Petalinux (cope with Xilinx tools)
