Subject: Dslr
Member: 🌜 Ymanzi 🌛
Will train the model with the dataset and generate a file theta.csv
with the weights used for prediction
python3.8 DATASET_NAME.csv
Will generate a prediction file houses.csv from the dataset and a csv file containing the weights
python3.8 DATASET_NAME.csv WEIGHTS.csv
- Logistic Regression Explained
- Logistic Regression Module 8
- Gradient descent optimization
- Stochastic gradient descent
- Youtube - Logistic Regression
- Youtube - Introduction to Logistic Regression
python3.8 DATASET_NAME.csv
Display information for all numerical features.
python3.8 DATASET_NAME.csv
Display a histogram answering the question:
- Which Hogwarts course has a homogeneous score distribution between all four houses?
python3.8 DATASET_NAME.csv
Display a pair plot answering the question:
- From this visualization, what features are you going to use for your logistic regression??
python3.8 DATASET_NAME.csv
Display a scatter plot answering the question:
- What are the two features that are similar ?