This repository contains the source code of the container agent.
The container agent is installed in the container running your environment via systemd (see the workspace-base repository).
The main role of this agent is to enable communication between your environment container and the host.
The container agent is composed of two components:
network manager
. -
gRPC server
The container agent only works on linux
and requires:
go >= 1.17
protoc >= 3.0
(see Protocol Buffer Compiler Installation) -
(install viago install
) -
(install viago install
The container agent could be run using the go run main.go
The gRPC server
will listen on an Unix socket at /yolo-config/agent-container-grpc.sock
and the network manager
will poll /proc/net/tcp
for open ports.
The gRPC server
's code could be generated by running the following command in the proto
protoc --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative agent_container.proto
The network manager
lets you access the services that run in the environment container network.
The gRPC server
, on the other hand, is used to enable communication with the host agent (via a shared unix socket /yolo-config/agent-container-grpc.sock
The network manager
will poll /proc/net/tcp
for open ports and redirect traffic from the host
to the listening service.
The gRPC server
will be accessed by the host agent via a shared unix socket /yolo-config/agent-container-grpc.sock
It is principally used to initialize the environment container as you can see in the service definition:
service Agent {
rpc Init (InitRequest) returns (stream InitReply) {}
message InitRequest {
string env_repo_owner = 1;
string env_repo_name = 2;
repeated string env_repo_languages_used = 3;
string github_user_email = 4;
string user_full_name = 5;
message InitReply {
string log_line_header = 1;
string log_line = 2;
optional string github_ssh_public_key_content = 3;
optional string github_gpg_public_key_content = 4;
The Init
method will clone your repositories and run a shell script that will, among other things, generate the SSH
and GPG
keys used in GitHub.
This method is idempotent.
Yolo is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.