This is a minimalistic book tracker, a tool that helps find your books and keep an eye on the reading progress. Main components are:
- Java Backend (Spring Boot, Spring Security)
- PostgreSQL database (integrated with Hibernate)
- Frontend with HTML/CSS templates processed by Thymeleaf
1. Clone the repository
git clone
2. Download Open Library data to populate the database. - we need works dump and authors dump
3. Create a PostgreSQL database named 'readery' (Documentation on creating a database)[]
4. Update with your information
- datadump.location.authors= path to the downloaded authors dump
- path to the downloaded works dump
- spring.datasource.username= username for your postgresql database
- spring.datasource.password= password for the database
- initDB.ebabled= set false by default. Change it to true to insert data into database for the first time or if you want to populate the database with new data.
5. Run application
./gradlew build
./gradlew run
Check out the website at http://localhost:8080/.
Set start and finished dates, rating, add books to your wishlist or set status to reading, read or unfinished.
🔹 current TODO: add navigation by author (author's page)