This Repo contains files and analysis of a dataset containing information about individual rides made in a bike-sharing system Ford GoBike covering the greater San Francisco Bay area. The dataset is very large and couldn't be attached in this repo. But it can be downloaded via one of the following links.
The Ford GoBike Dataset was provided by Udacity for a data analysis project. It contains information information about individual rides made in a bike sharing system covering the greater san francisco bay area.
The dataset required some wrangling to clean for some quality issues that included wrong datatypes that needed to be converted and removing null values.
The dataset includes demographic characteristics of users, duration, information about stations (location, id, station names).
The distribution of the demographic characteristics of the customers shows that younger males born from the year 1998 - 1992 are the frequent users of the ride sharing service.
Market St. at 10th St. and San Francisco Caltrain station 2 are the most frequent starting and stopping stations of the customers.
Most users of the service are subscribers but don't use the bikeshare for all trips.
Younger users tend to use the service for longer duration and longer trips.
These findings will be included in the presentation.