ETD is a collaboration between York University Libraries and Faculty of Graduate Studies to facilitate depositing of Electronic Thesis and Dissertations.
git clone
cd etd
docker compose up --build
There are 3 containers created: web, db and mailcatcher
By default, the application will listen on port 3004 and runs with RAILS_ENV=development.
To access the application in Chrome browser, you will need to add the ModHeader extension to your Chrome browser.
Header: PYORK_USER Value: admin (or manager or whatever user you want to mimic)
For convenience, you can import the ModHeader profile from the included ModHeader_admin.json.
If you wish to use a different port, you can set the PORT environment or change PORT in .env file.
PORT=4005 docker compose up --build
Start the containers if you haven't started them yet.
docker compose up --build
Run all the tests
docker compose exec web rt
Run a specific test and test within the test file.
docker compose exec web rt TEST=test/controllers/users_controller_test.rb
1. docker compose exec web bash
2. $> rts TEST=test/system/students_test.rb
Note: There is option to specific test within the test file with TESTOPTS="-n '/not allow student to add committee members/'" but it may not work with 'rt' or 'rts' scripts. You will have to specify the db url and environment.
#specific test with testopts does not work, then run it with rails_env and database_url as prefix.
DB container
docker compose exec db bash
Webapp container
docker compose exec web bash