This library contains the implementation of the algorithms/data structure that are mostly used in competitive programming.
- data structures
- basic
- minimum queue
- minimum stack
- trees
- fenwick tree
- segment tree
- basic
- graphs
- basic
- basic
- math
- functions
- euler totient
- fundamentals
- gcd
- extended euclidien
- power modulo
- matrix power mod
- modular
- inverse
- modulo integer
- primes
- factorization
- miller primality test
- sieve
- functions
- string
- prefix function
- util
- mo algorithm
- std (standard cpp library)
- priority queue
- debug library that helps you to debug your code
- the library is still in its first version.
- some of the algorithms are not tested.
- add explanatory comments for each algorithm/data structure
- add more algorithm/data structure implemetations
- The structure of the files and some algorithms are inspired from cp-algorithms.