An interactive volume visualization tool using CUDA for real-time rendering.
Tested on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with CUDA 11.2 and OpenGL 3.2.
For implementation details and more results, please check the slides and videos here.
- Entire volume rendering
- Isosurface rendering with volumetric techniques
- Phong lighting for enhancing structral details
- Tri-linear interpolation of volume data
- UI for tuning visualization settings
Type the command below to compile and run the program.
# Compilation
cmake ..
# Run the excutable
You may need to tune some configurations like device ID, threading block size, etc., which are specified in the 'include/config.hpp'.
- Dear ImGui (included in 3rdLibs/)
- tinycolormap (re-implemented in CUDA)
- Eigen (included in 3rdLibs/)
- GLAD (included in 3rdLibs/)
- GLFW 3.2+
- stb_image (included in 3rdLibs/)