This Oh My Zsh plugin enables a number of aliases for lsd a modern replacement for ls, I had previously used zsh-aliases-exa until recently swapping to lsd
and at the time of writing couldn't find plugin for lsd
Make sure you have lsd installed
# for antigen
antigen bundle 'yuhonas/zsh-aliases-lsd'
# for zplug
zplug 'yuhonas/zsh-aliases-lsd'
# for zgen
zgen load 'yuhonas/zsh-aliases-lsd'
# for fisher
fisher install yuhonas/zsh-aliases-lsd
# for omf
omf install
Clone the repository and source it in your shell's rc file.
Restart your zsh session, and the aliases will be available.
See zsh-aliases-lsd.plugin.zsh
This project was forked from and heavily inspired by zsh-alises-exa