pakename wk2Assignment_3
- launch folder: contains launch files
- scripts folder: contains your python code
- urdf folder: contains the model files describing your robot
- srv folder: contains your custom ROS services
- CMakeLists.txt: list of cmake rules for compilation
- Package.xml: Package information and dependencies
use the command roslaunch wk2Assignment wk2Assignment.launch
then type the number of the bug algorithm you want to use
0: bug0
1: bug1
2: bug2
The tutorials can be found in here
The topic used:
laser : /wk2Bot3/laser/scan
cmd_vel: wk2Bot3/cmd_vel
odom: odom
- Service HomingSignal.srv: 指定docking station,面对的朝向 发出信息"My wk2Bot reaches the charging station located at (xx, xx)"
- SetBugBehaviour.srv: 指定机器人移动速度
name :
name : : 实现选择算法bug1或bug2,
建世界,bug1 algorithm is better than Bug2 algorithm