Being a full-stack allows me to not only develop client-facing apps and websites but also develop it with cutting edge backend technology.
I specialize in building robust backend that do all the heavy lifting for your app or website.
I love designing UX/UI that are light yet powerful, distributed yet synchronized and beautiful yet effective.
I also frequently blog about the world behind the screen which involves system designs, databases, security, servers, optimisation and also promising technologies like Blockchain and AWS.
* 🌍 I'm based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. * 🖥️ See my portfolio at * ✉️ You can contact me at: Send email * 🚀 I'm currently working on nextjs projects * 🧠 I'm learning Blockchain & Smart contacts development. * 🤝 I'm open to collaborating on JavaScript, React, Nextjs, Python, Django, Data Scraping projects. * ⚡ I'm secretly penguin lover but don't tell anyone. |