For local assembly you need to perform
$ make deps # Installation of dependencies
$ make build # Build project
- up
make dc-up
- down
make dc-down
- rebuild app image and reUp compose
make dc-rebuild-reup
The Swagger UI is an open source project to visually render documentation for an API defined with the OpenAPI (Swagger) Specification
- http://localhost:3000
- login
- login
- password
- password
[I] ➜ grpc_cli ls localhost:8082
grpc_cli ls localhost:8082 ozonmp.act_device_api.v1.ActDeviceApiService -l
[I] ➜ grpc_cli call localhost:8082 DescribeDeviceV1 "device_id: 1"
connecting to localhost:8082
value {
id: 1
platform: "Ios"
user_id: 24154
entered_at {
seconds: 1636465909
nanos: 870041000
Rpc succeeded with OK status
[I] ➜ grpcurl -plaintext localhost:8082 list
[I] ➜ grpcurl -plaintext localhost:8082 list ozonmp.act_device_api.v1.ActDeviceApiService
grpcurl -plaintext -emit-defaults -d '{"device_id": 1}' localhost:8082 ozonmp.act_device_api.v1.ActDeviceApiService.DescribeDeviceV1
"value": {
"id": "1",
"platform": "Ios",
"userId": "24154",
"enteredAt": "2021-11-09T13:51:49.870041Z"
It reads protobuf service definitions and generates a reverse-proxy server which translates a RESTful HTTP API into gRPC
[I] ➜ curl -X 'GET' \
'http://localhost:8080/api/v1/devices/1' \
-H 'accept: application/json' | jq .
"value": {
"id": "1",
"platform": "Ios",
"userId": "24154",
"enteredAt": "2021-11-09T13:51:49.870041Z"
Metrics GRPC Server
Service condition and its information
- http://localhost:8000
- Layed whether the server is running
- Is it ready to accept requests
- Version and assembly information
Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit
Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed event streaming platform used by thousands of companies for high-performance data pipelines, streaming analytics, data integration, and mission-critical applications.
UI for Apache Kafka is a simple tool that makes your data flows observable, helps find and troubleshoot issues faster and deliver optimal performance. Its lightweight dashboard makes it easy to track key metrics of your Kafka clusters - Brokers, Topics, Partitions, Production, and Consumption.
Monitor and troubleshoot transactions in complex distributed systems.
Graylog is a leading centralized log management solution for capturing, storing, and enabling real-time analysis of terabytes of machine data.
- http://localhost:9000
- login
- login
- password
- password
For the convenience of working with the database, you can use the pgcli utility. Migrations are rolled out when the service starts. migrations are located in the ./migrations directory and are created using the goose tool.
$ pgcli "postgresql://docker:docker@localhost:5432/omp_template_api"
goose -dir migrations postgres "postgres://postgres:password@localhost:5432/act_device_api?sslmode=disable" status