I created p5.create as a games development libary as part of my games development unit course work since the recommend games development libary had far to many uncessary features which would slow down my development so instead I created p5.create which had the bare minimum to make games development in p5.js simple!
You can see the game I created using this libary on my website as part of my games development unit coursework.
Compared to other libaries for P5.js, P5.Create is easy to understand and doesn't require you to learn too much of a particular syntax, meaning you could easily pick up P5.js.
P5.Create is efficient in the examples the well known dinosaur game has been created using P5.Create and an alternative solution. The game using P5.Create was 44 lines shorter!
To get started you can simply use the online p5.js editor to start using p5.create online all you need to do it modify the index file and import p5create.js into the online editor. You can see the collision 1 example running for yourself here.