Opens the latest migration created in a supported web frameworks. Works with Sublime Text 3 and Sublime Text 2.
- Ruby on Rails
- Amber
- Phoenix
- Laravel
- Open any file in your app.
- Bring up your command pallette (
Cmd + Shift + P
/Ctrl + Shift + P
) and type in:
- In no time the "Latest Migration: Open latest migration" should be highlighted
- Hit enter, and lo and behold; your latest migration!
- Click on
Preferences > Key Bindings
- In the right section you can assign any keyboard shortcut of your liking to the command, for example:
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+0"], "command": "latest_migration"}
- Make sure your key combination don't collide with any other command shortcut.
- That is it!
- Amber
- Phoenix
- Laravel
- Any other ?
To Alex Plescan for Providing the original Rails Latest Migration plugin, which inspired this one.
The MIT License (MIT) - for more info see