Supported Maps
- Chernarus - Lingor - Namalsk - Oring - Panthera - Takistan - Taviana
How to install:
1. Copy bin/* to your webhost (Can be the server that DayZ is running on but you will need either apache or some other http server that can handle php) 2. Rename example_config.php to config.php 3. Change config.php to have your username/password/hostname etc. 4. Copy one map txt file from maps to where dayzmapper.swf is and rename to map.txt 5. Point your browser to wherever you copied stuff to.
- Toggle for showing out of map positions - Click to follow player/vehicle automatically - Fix memory usage issue when left running for long periods - Automatic screenshot every X minutes (manual saving possible via console saveScreenshot command)
Optional Stuff:
Open console with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER
Create .htaccess file to password protect the website. See
If you want to use your own map graphic you need to specify certain values in the map.txt
Here is an example map.txt with comments (Do not add comments in the map.txt otherwise it will not work!)
maps/chernarus.jpg // the map file that is loaded. 1234 // image width in pixels 4321 // image height in pixels 100 // origo X offset in meters, origo means coordinates 0,0 30 // origo Y offset in meters 1000 // map X size in meters, these can be found in the dayz database 1000 // map Y size in meters
If you have any questions ask zamp @ freenode/ircnet/quakenet/whatever just whois me.