WebRTC compliant signal exchange implementations based on HTTP and SockJS
1: User A send message M for User B to server S
2: S relay M to B
3: B send response M2 for A to S
4: S relay M2 to A
5/6: Bidirectionnal peer connections are established
Those prototypes permits communications 1 to 4
Session Model {userId, listeningAddress, listeningKey, ack} with:
- userId: user id (authentification and authorization of user connecting to MessagingServer is out of the scope of this project)
- listeningAddress: SockJS host address
- listeningKey: routing key user is allowed to subscribe to
- ack: session is acked when authentification connection have been opened between MessagingServer and User
- User inits connection by sending HTTP POST request to "/connect" endpoint, providing {userId}. A session is generated with a random {listeningKey} and an available {listeningAddress}.
- User then attempts to connect to SockJS "/ws" endpoint using session's data given in previous HTTP response. If an active session matches {userId, listeningAddress, listeningKey}, SockJS connection is opened
- User exchanges messages with others connected users by sending JSON messages through SockJS connection. Messages are relayed between SockJS nodes using internal HTTP POST
- SockJS connection/disconnection events are monitored. When a connection is opened, corresponding session is acked, when a connection is broken, corresponding session is deleted
This project provide two differents implementations of this design:
- backend-rabbitmq: Spring http webapp + RabbitMQ + In-Memory session (this implementation came first )
- backend-springws: Spring http webapp + Spring SockJS webapp + Memcached session + Etcd (hot SockJS/HTTP cluster upscaling/downscaling)