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Arduino After Market Tach support

Wotever edited this page Mar 16, 2019 · 23 revisions

Important notes - Please read before


  • Aftermarket tachometer
  • Arduino - 1 pcs
  • TIP-120 Darlington Transistor - 1 pcs
  • 2.2Kohm resistor - 1 pcs
  • Wires
  • 12V diode (~1W) - 1 pcs
  • 12V Power supply - 1 pcs - My own tach consumption was measured to 130mA so any 500mA power supply should be enough.


Arduino configuration

The signal pin is supported exclusively on the digital pin 9 (D9)

  • Open template filler and set tachometer enabled to "1"

  • Save sketch

  • Upload sketch using arduino IDE

Configuration modes

Real mode

When configured in real mode the shown RPM will match sim RPM.

To enable real mode, uncheck 'Always use tachometer full range'

Full scale mode

When configured in full scale mode shown RPM will be stretched to the maximum tachometer RPM.

To enable full scale mode check 'Always use tachometer full range'

In full scale mode it is possible to offset the real RPM to show a higher rpm value. To show real rpm from 3000 to car max rpm on the tachometer using the full range, set '3' to tachometer zero offset


  • Make sure you have configured the sketch

  • Using a multimeter :

    • Measure your power source, you should read 12v, if not change your power source

    • Measure the arduino output signal, you should read 2.5 to 3.0V when SimHub "test max" is activated in the tach configuration, if not check your arduino configuration

    • Measure tach signal, You should read someting like 2.5 3.0V when SimHub "test max" is activated in the tach configuration, if not check your wiring

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