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Javascript Formula Engine

Wotever edited this page Sep 15, 2017 · 7 revisions

SimHub now offers a full javascript engine as an alternative to the legacy NCALC engine.

It relies on Jint ( The engine is full ECMAScript 5.1 compliant.

Execution scope

The formulas written are all executed separately in their own environment, it means that you can't interact between formulas directly.

The JS engine is reinitialized on the formula scope when any errors occurs with a 30s timeout between retries, please make sure to avoid any execution errors, all the errors are logged (inside the "log" folder).

Storing data accross formula evaluations

The engine is not running inside a browser so common properties such as window or document does not exists, As an alternative you can use the root property to store data across calls for instance, here is an evaluation counter :

// Initialize the conter if not done
   root["counter"] = 0;
// Increments counter

// Return the result
return root["counter"];

Common functions

It is possible to load common functions available everywhere by putting a JS file into the "JavascriptExtensions" folder, A sample file is available here. As stated previously these scripts will be loaded for each binding/mapping.

Where can i use the JS engine ?

Simhub offers two types of formula :

  • Binding editor (found in DashStudio, leds, custom protocol ..), to use the JS engine simply check "use javascript"

  • Ini files, they are used for Nextion mappings or LCD templates Simply use the "js:" prefix in front of your formula to specify the use of the JS engine :

value=js:return $prop("SerialDashPlugin.ComputedRPMPercent");

Obviously ini file does not allow multiline scritps, but you can add complex function using Common functions and use them in the ini file

Anatomy of a formula

All the formulas must return a result using the return keyword. If no result is given the result will be evaluated as null

Accessing simhub properties (game datas)

The function $prop(propertyname) allows you to access any SimHub property

Your first Javascript formulas

Get the RPMS or a stalled text

// Read the current rpm
var rpm = $prop('DataCorePlugin.GameData.NewData.Rpms');
// if rpm value is zero return "stalled" text
	return "Stalled";
// Otherwise return the current rpm
return format(rpm,"0");

Get a text with all the race top 5 drivers names

var a = new Array();
	var dn = drivername(i);
return a.join(", ");
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