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Objective RNG extension for PHP


requires: PHP >= 7.3


"orng" is a provides an object-scoped random number generator for PHP.

This is useful for reproducing situations such as poker games.


All classes implemented \ORNG\RNGInterface.

  • \ORNG\XorShift128Plus: stub
  • \ORNG\GLibCRand: stub
  • \ORNG\MT19937: stub
  • \ORNG\MT19937PHP: stub
  • \ORNG\MT19937MB: stub

+1, Some classes implemented \Serializable. they can serialize / unserialize RNG state.

  • \ORNG\XorShift128Plus: stub
  • \ORNG\GLibCRand: stub

Implemented RNG's

  • \ORNG\XorShift128Plus: Fast and smart PRNG.
  • \ORNG\GLibCRand: Compatible for GNU libc based PHP 7.0 and earlier srand() and rand() functions.
  • \ORNG\MT19937: Genuine implementation of Mersenne Twister from php-src.
  • \ORNG\MT19937PHP: PHP specific incorrect Mersenne Twister implementation from php-src.
  • \ORNG\MT19937MB: Genuine implementation with PHP 7.1's modulo-bias bug.


$seed = 5656;

$rng = new \ORNG\XorShift128Plus($seed);
$rng2 = new \ORNG\XorShift128Plus($seed);

$rng_first = $rng->next();

echo "First generated number by \$rng: ${rng_first}\n";

foreach (range(1, 10) as $i) {
    echo "  ${i}: genrated by \$rng: {$rng->next()}\n";

$rng2_first = $rng2->next();
echo "First generated number by \$rng2: ${rng2_first}\n";

if ($rng_first === $rng2_first) {
    echo "object-scope confirmed.\n";

First generated number by $rng: 1656077336
  1: genrated by $rng: 840142771
  2: genrated by $rng: 1623151200
  3: genrated by $rng: 353778187
  4: genrated by $rng: 366931415
  5: genrated by $rng: 357580052
  6: genrated by $rng: 623439083
  7: genrated by $rng: 471473064
  8: genrated by $rng: 1854728523
  9: genrated by $rng: 1999487937
  10: genrated by $rng: 315225512
First generated number by $rng2: 1656077336
object-scope confirmed.