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Issuu Publication Downloader

v1.4 by zgarnog


To download one or more documents from and save each document as a pdf.

Install (under Windows)

Download and install DWIM Perl. (Unless you already have another Perl >= v5.14.2 installed.)

Download and install Image Magick. (Tested with 6.9.1-2 Q16 x64.)

Download this repository as an archive (ex: .zip) and extract it to a folder.

It is best to put it in a short path, such as under C:\ , to prevent problems with long path errors.

Install (under Linux)

Download this repository as an archive (ex: .zip) and extract it to a folder.

You will need perl >= v5.14.2 and Image Magick >= 6.9.1-2 installed.

You may also need the libfile-slurp-perl package, in debian-based Linux distros.

It may be best to put it in a short path, to prevent problems with long path errors. This is a known problems under Windows, but may not be a problem under Linux.

Ubuntu Linux Derivative

This was tested by alfem in an Ubuntu 16.04 derivative. It worked perfectly after he installed perl::slurp from the libfile-slurp-perl package first.

Other Linux Distributions

This has not been tested under other Linux distributions, but may work properly.

Downloading A Document

You can download a document's images by its URL with one command.

On Windows, this can be done by running issuu-dl. This is the file with the Issuu icon.

On linux, this can be done by running or perl

This will show a prompt where you can enter "Y" to select a filename containing a list of URLs to download. If you do not enter "Y" it will go to the next step:

The next step is to show a prompt where you can paste an Issuu document URL. These are usually in the format[user]/docs/[title].

The program will download each page as a .jpg file stored in a subdirectory under downloads. It will then convert all of the .jpg files to a single .pdf file stored directly under downloads (this step uses Image Magick).

Other Download Options

See issuu-dl html/md SYNOPSIS for options.

Downloads Directories and Files

The program stores downloaded data in a downloads subdirectory under the directory the program is located.

.jpg files are saved under a directory named in the format downloads/[title]. These files are left behind after the .pdf file is created; it is up to you to clean them up. This also means you can do something different with them if you want to.

.pdf files created are saved in a file named in the format downloads/[title].pdf.

Converting Images to PDF

After downloading, you may want to re-convert images to PDF. On Windows, you can use jpg-to-pdf. On linux use perl This is the program run by issuu-dl to convert multiple .jpg images to a single .pdf file.


Can create large pdf files ( > 100M ), because each page is downloaded as a jpg image, rather than text plus images, as would normally be stored in a pdf file.

Resulting pdf file size depends on the number of pages in the document, and how large each page's image file is. This depends on how complex the document's page images are.

Other Coversion Options

See jpg-to-pdf html/md SYNOPSIS for options.


  • Perl ( tested with v5.14.2 )
    • under Windows: DWIM Perl
    • under cygwin: cygwin perl
  • Image Magick ( tested with 6.9.1-2 Q16 x64 )
    • this is used for converting from .jpg to .pdf

Testing Done

  • tested under Windows 7, via command prompt and explorer

  • also tested under Windows 7 cygwin 64-bit linux-like command-line

  • tested with Perl v5.14.2

  • tested with Image Magick 6.9.1-2 Q16 x64

Configuration File

On its first run, will create a config.yaml file in its directory (a copy of config-template.yaml).

config.yaml can be modified to change the behaviour of and . It contains comments describing the config options.

It is in YAML format, which is a well-known plain text format that is machine-readable.


zgarnog on github

equagunn on blogspot

Further Notes

The .pl files contain documentation about their usage including options not described here.

ImageMagick Convert Options

You can also use ImageMagick convert command directly, in a command prompts or shell, by using a command similar to one of the following variants.

See the ImageMagick convert documentation for more options.


convert path_to_document_dir\*.jpg document_name.pdf

convert -density 300 path_to_document_dir\*.jpg document_name.pdf


convert path_to_document_dir/*.jpg document_name.pdf

convert -density 300 path_to_document_dir/*.jpg document_name.pdf

Issuu Publication Downloader v1.0 (2012-03-18)

by eqagunn

About Issuu:

Issuu is an online service that allows for realistic and customizable viewing of digitally uploaded material, such as portfolios, books, magazine issues, newspapers, and other print media. It integrates with social networking sites to promote uploaded material. Issuu's service is comparable to what Flickr does for photo-sharing, and what YouTube does for video-sharing. While most of the documents are meant to be viewed online, some can be downloaded and saved as well. Uploaded print material is viewed through a web browser and is made to look like a printed publication with an animated page flip options.

About This Tool:

The tool itself is a batch script that uses GNU Wget made by Giuseppe Scrivano and Hrvoje Nikšiæ. The main purpose of it is downloading Issuu publications which aren't available for the download the usual way. Normally, to download an Issuu publication, one has to register first, and publication itself needs to have download enabled. When using this tool neither of these two requirements are needed because it downloads the images, shown to users through a Flash application when they are reading them, directly from the server.

How to Use It:

You can either run it with Windows Explorer or call it through Command Prompt. Just run a file named issuudl.bat and you will be asked to enter a document ID and number of pages of the publication you want to download. All downloaded files are being saved into downloads folder, into a subfolder named by document ID. You can also call it with Command Prompt and use it with parameters. First parameter is Document ID and second one is Number of Pages. Not specifying one or both of those parameters will result in batch file asking you to input them. You can also specify a third parameter which is a name of the folder in which downloaded files will be saved. Keep in mind that a long name argument needs to be enclosed with quotes. This parameter is optional and if you don't specify it folder will be named by document ID. Upon downloading the publication "Done!" message will be displayed accompanied by a beep sound.

Final Words:

I made this tool because I couldn't find another way to download ebook named The Art of Video Games: From Pac-Man to Mass Effect. In the end, I decided to share it hoping it might help someone, somewhere out there. Feel free to visit my blog where I write computer related stuff.