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Releases: zigbee-alliance/distributed-compliance-ledger


09 Jul 08:49
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Changes and Fixes (comparing to 1.2.2)

  • #303 Upgrade Cosmos SDK, tendermint, golang and project dependencies
  • #523 PID scoped Accounts
  • Add NOC root certificate transactions design doc
  • Update the NOC root certificate design based on discussion feedback
  • #519 Query Certificates with subjectKeyId
  • Update the NOC root certificate design
  • #535 Enable providing serial number while revoking x509 certs
  • #535 Add transaction command to remove non-root certificates
  • #524 Implement adding and requesting root NOC certificates
  • Support for forward and backward compatibility in DCL schemes
  • #535 Make the revocation of child certificates optional
  • #535 Enable checking VID matchings while adding x509 certificate
  • #535 Enable adding non-root NOC(ICA) certificates
  • #535 Enhancements to Adding, Revoking, and Removing Non-Root Certificates
  • #524 Enable revocation of NOC root certificates
  • #524 Enable revocation of NOC non-root certificates
  • #502 Add SchemaVersion field into PKI, Compliance, Model and VendorInfo schemas
  • #538 Add commissioner remote UI flow url field into model schema
  • Update document
  • #531 Publish pai certificates for crl signer certificate verification
  • Refactor update tests for sequential version upgrades starting from initial version
  • Set CommissioningModeInitialStepsHint to 1 by default for standard flow
  • Query NOC Root certificates by VID and SKID by
  • #560 Enable removing NOC ICA certificates
  • #524 Enable removing NOC root certificates
  • Add instructions on how to use the Ledger Nano with DCL
  • Improve error message texts
  • Add schemaVersion field into NOC/ICA and auxiliary models
  • #575 Rename CommissionerRemoteUiFlowUrl to ManagedAclExtensionRequestFlowUrl
  • #547 Add new fields into Model entity
  • Correct transactions documentation

Full Changelog: v1.2.2...v1.4.0

Upgrade procedure

  • The release must be applied via cosmovisor and Upgrade Proposal transactions, see
  • The upgrade name must be equal to v1.4.
  • The release must be applied to all nodes (Validators, Observers, Sentries, etc.)
  • All upgraded nodes must be at 1.2.2 with cosmovisor enabled.
  • It's recommended to enable the auto-download for cosmovisor on all nodes, see
  • Adding new nodes to the running pool (Test Net in particular) must be done via one of the ways described in

Pre Release v1.4.0-dev3

17 Apr 14:24
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  • Update cosmos-sdk to v0.47.8
  • Update golang to 1.20

Pre Release v1.4.0-dev2

17 Apr 13:01
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  • Update cosmos-sdk to v0.47.8
  • Update golang to 1.20

Pre Release v1.4.0-dev1

15 Apr 13:20
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  • Support for forward and backward compatibility in DCL schemes
  • Enhancements to Adding, Revoking, and Removing Non-Root Certificates
  • Enable adding/revocation of NOC certificates
  • Add SchemaVersion field into PKI, Compliance, Model and VendorInfo schemas
  • Add commissioner remote UI flow url field into model schema
  • Publish CRL Signer Certificates delegated PAA/PAI certificates

Pre Release v1.3.0-dev2

11 Apr 08:22
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What's Changed

  • Support for forward and backward compatibility in DCL schemes
  • Enhancements to Adding, Revoking, and Removing Non-Root Certificates
  • Enable adding/revocation of NOC certificates
  • Add SchemaVersion field into PKI, Compliance, Model and VendorInfo schemas
  • Add commissioner remote UI flow url field into model schema
  • Publish CRL Signer Certificates delegated PAA/PAI certificates

Pre Release 1.3.0-dev1

11 Jan 13:42
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#519 Query PAA certificates with subjectKeyId

Enable querying certs with subjectKeyId
Add migration flow (from 2 to 3 version of pki module)

Release 1.2.2

16 Aug 18:29
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Changes and Fixes (comparing to 0.12.0)

  1. Update DCL Code for Approval count to ceiling instead of round #409
  2. Feature: re-vote for pending #412
  3. Feature: remove a proposal by the owner #287
  4. Do not allow proposing Root certificate by non-Trustee #427
  5. Deletion of Model Versions #421
  6. Document subscribing to events via Tendermint WebSockets #414
  7. Adding a Model requires "partNumber" and "productLabel" but those attributes should be optional #429
  8. NFR: New Role with permission to add/update Vendor Info #430
  9. Edit of DCL Compliance entry #464
  10. Deletion of DCL Compliance entry #465
  11. Set OTA for existing Model #466
  12. DA PKI Revocation of PAI and VID-scoped PAA by Vendor #459
  13. DA PKI Revocation of non-VID scoped PAAs by Vendor #479
  14. Add a VID field for non-VID scoped PAAs (Root certificates) #477
  15. A transaction for assigning a VID to non-VID scoped PAAs (root certificates) #478
  16. Fix verification of certificates #503

Upgrade procedure

  • The release must be applied via cosmovisor and Upgrade Proposal transactions, see
  • The upgrade name must be equal to v1.2.
  • The release must be applied to all nodes (Validators, Observers, Sentries, etc.)
  • All upgraded nodes must be at 0.12.0 or 0.12.1 with cosmovisor enabled.
  • It's recommended to enable the auto-download for cosmovisor on all nodes, see
  • Adding new nodes to the running pool (Test Net in particular) must be done via one of the ways described in

Pre-Release 1.2.2

16 Aug 15:38
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Pre-Release 1.2.2 Pre-release

Merge branch 'master' into update-docs-catchup

Release 0.12.1

14 Aug 08:47
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This release must be used instead of 0.12.0 when adding a new node to the Main Net form block 0 (see

What's Changed

Pre-Release 1.2.1

10 Aug 14:29
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Pre-Release 1.2.1 Pre-release

Changes and Fixes (comparing to 0.12.0)

  1. Update DCL Code for Approval count to ceiling instead of round #409
  2. Feature: re-vote for pending #412
  3. Feature: remove a proposal by the owner #287
  4. Do not allow proposing Root certificate by non-Trustee #427
  5. Deletion of Model Versions #421
  6. Document subscribing to events via Tendermint WebSockets #414
  7. Adding a Model requires "partNumber" and "productLabel" but those attributes should be optional #429
  8. NFR: New Role with permission to add/update Vendor Info #430
  9. Edit of DCL Compliance entry #464
  10. Deletion of DCL Compliance entry #465
  11. Set OTA for existing Model #466
  12. DA PKI Revocation of PAI and VID-scoped PAA by Vendor #459
  13. DA PKI Revocation of non-VID scoped PAAs by Vendor #479
  14. Add a VID field for non-VID scoped PAAs (Root certificates) #477
  15. A transaction for assigning a VID to non-VID scoped PAAs (root certificates) #478

Upgrade procedure

  • The release must be applied via cosmovisor and Upgrade Proposal transactions, see
  • The upgrade name must be equal to v1.2.0.
  • The release must be applied to all nodes (Validators, Observers, Sentries, etc.)
  • All upgraded nodes must be at 0.12.0 with cosmovisor enabled.
  • It's recommended to enable the auto-download for cosmovisor on all nodes, see
  • Adding new nodes to the running pool (Test Net in particular) must be done via one of the ways described in Starting a new node from the genesis state will not work. There are instructions on how to add a new node to the