A C#-like event mechanism for C++.
cppevent::signal<void(int, int)> s;
auto token =
s += [](int x, int y) { std::cout << x << ", " << y << std::endl; };
s(1, 2);
s -= token;
struct Publisher
cppevent::event<Publisher, void(string)> SomethingHappened;
void MakeSomethingHappen()
SomethingHappened("This just in!");
void Subscribe(Publisher& p)
auto token =
p.SomethingHappened += [](string news) { cout << "This happened: " << news << endl; };
//p.SomethingHappened(); // Compilation Error.
// Only the publisher can raise the event (unlike the case of cppevent::signal)
- Hedaer only
- Thread Safe
allows for in-class raise only (just like in C#)- C#-like interface: