This is the lab answer for MIT 6.824 Distributed Systems(2017).
- Go 1.9
correctly, and then run the following shell command.
cd 6.824Lab
cd /src/raft
go test
Test A is about the leader election, keeping consistent and Test B add replicating log of operations function.
Here is the basic roles in Raft alforithm.
- Follower
- Respond to RPCs from candidates and leaders
- If election timeout elapses without receiving AppendEntries RPC from current leader or granting vote to candidate: convert to candidate
- Candidate:
- On conversion to candidate, start election:
- Increment currentTerm
- Vote for self
- Reset election timer
- Send RequestVote RPCs to all other servers
- If votes received from majority of servers: become leader
- If AppendEntries RPC received from new leader: convert to follower
- If election timeout elapses: start new election
- On conversion to candidate, start election:
- Leader:
- Upon election: send initial empty AppendEntries RPCs(heartbeats) to each server; repeat during idle periods to prevent election timeouts
- If command received from client: append entry to local log, respond after entry applied to state machine
- If last log index >= nextIndex for a follower: send AppendEntries RPC with log entries starting at nextIndex
- If successful: update nextIndex and matchIndex for follower
- If AppendEntries fails because of log inconsistency: decrement nextIndex and retry
- If there exists an N such that N > commitIndex, a majority of matchIndex[i] >= N, and log[N].term == currentTerm: set commitIndex = N
Since Go hasconcurreny support in the core language, it convenient to implement Raft in Go. We keep a Raft
variable all the time and record the basic information and peers during the time.
Following coding shows the Raft
type Raft struct {
mu sync.Mutex // Lock to protect shared access to this peer's state
peers []*labrpc.ClientEnd // RPC end points of all peers
persister *Persister // Object to hold this peer's persisted state
me int // this peer's index into peers[]
voteFor int
voteAcquired int
state int32
currentTerm int32
applyCh chan ApplyMsg
heartbeatCh chan bool
voteCh chan struct{}
appendCh chan struct{}
electionTimer *time.Timer
log []LogEntry
commitIndex int
lastApplied int
nextIndex []int
matchIndex []int
variable | meaning |
currentTerm | lastest term server has seen (initialized to 0 on first boot, increases monotonically) |
voteFor | candidateID that received vote in current term (or null if none) |
log | log entries; each entry contains command for state machine, and term when entry was received by leader(first index is 1) |
commitIndex | index for highest log entry known to be committed (initialized to 0, increases monotonically) |
lastApplied | index of highest log entry applied to statemachine (initialized to 0, increases monotonically) |
nextIndex | for each server, index of next log entry to send to that server (initialized to leader lastlog index + 1) |
matchIndex | for each server, index of highest log entry known to be replicated on server (initialized to 0, increases monotonically) |