A method of recursive wavelet peak detection and deconvolution (RWPD) for analytical signal, especially for the overlapped peaks like the triplet or the doublet overlapped peaks, has been proposed with the CWT, GA, and Gaussian fitting. The outputs of the RWPD are the main peak parameters, which include the peak position, peak width, peak height and peak area. The programming language is R [(http://www.r-project.org/)] (http://www.r-project.org/)
To start running this algorithm, load the RWPD package through "library(RWPD)" in the R commandline windows, try "??RWPD" in the R commandline windows to open the documents.
This is a detection and deconvolution example:
For any questions, please contact: Zhi-Min Zhang: zmzhang@csu.edu.cn or Xia Tong: 142311060@csu.edu.cn.