Rudim is currently a work in progress but is in an MVP phase - you can play with Rudim on Lichess.
If you see Rudim as offline - the server might be down. If Rudim is online but not accepting your challenge, Rudim might either be playing someone else (currently can play only one person at a time) or the server might be restarting - try again later.
- Bitboards & Magic Bitboards
- UCI Protocol (Partial)
- Simplified Evaluation (Piece Square Tables)
- Tapered Evaluation
- Iterative Deepening + Negamax with Alpha Beta Pruning
- Quiescent Search
- Move Ordering - MVV LVA, Killer Heuristic
- Finish the implementation for the UCI commands (and any changes in the implementation for Rudim that might be a result of it)
- Improve the Search, Move Generation, and Evaluation algorithms to make Rudim stronger.
I've written a series of blog posts on my journey through creating Rudim - you can read up on it here.
Tests - dotnet test
CLI - dotnet run -p Rudim