An ExpressJs dynamic webserver software meant to have similarities to the functionality of Reddit.
This software is currently in early development and should not be used in production scenarios.
Important note: Project has been abandoned in favor of private development of a NextJS Antdesign application.
- Install the required tools.
- Download or clone the directory.
- Follow these simple instructions by importing the file titled 'initial.sql':
- Start up the Node.js command prompt and navigate to the inside of the directory.
- Run NPM install which will install the required dependencies for the program.
- Create a .env file and fill out the environment variables with the database credentials.
If all is successful two messages should appear, the first displays "SERVER RUNNING AT: localhost:8080", and the next message says "DATABASE CONNECTED". If the messages mentioned do not show up, and you see some errors, you went wrong somewhere and the credentials or information entered is wrong, or an unknown bug may have been discovered.