This is a Blogofile plugin that implements a basic blog engine.
It provides a collection of Mako template files along with CSS and ancillary files, all derived from the HTML5Boilerplate project. It also provided Blogofile configuration, controllers, filters, and commands to allow you to create a simple blog engine that requires no database and no special hosting environment.
The templates include features like:
- Custom web fonts from Google
- Disqus comments
- Google Analytics tracking code stub
- seaofclouds jQuery twitter plugin
Use them or remove them as you wish.
There's also a few sample posts to show off:
- Syntax highlighting for code snippets
- Unicode support
- Basic Markdown syntax
Customize the Mako templates, create posts in reStructuredText, Markdown, or Textile, (or even plain HTML) and blogofile generates your entire blog as plain HTML, CSS, Javascript, images, and Atom/RSS feeds which you can then upload to any old web server you like. No database. No CGI or scripting environment on the server. Just fast, secure static content!
Take a look at the blogofile project docs for a quick-start guide, and detailed usage instructions.
Or create a virtualenv and dive right in with:
pip install -U blogofile pip install -U blogofile_blog