We have made our developed virtual colonoscopy simulator and source code publicly avaialble.
Our developed simulator and source code: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cypaTsHpi7TRVKI5cYvzk1UfpmdcOEts?usp=sharing
If you use the developed simulator and datasets in your papers, please cite our paper named "A Template-based 3D Reconstruction of Colon Structures and Textures from Stereo Colonoscopic Images", thank you very much!
If you have any questions related to our simulator, please contact me by email: shuai.zhang@student.uts.edu.au or zsustc@gmail.com
For the usgae of related parameters in the developed simulator: The example to obtain camera intrinsic parameters, camera extrinsic parameters and point cloud of one frame:
focal_length = 4.969783;
sensor_width = 10.26;
sensor_height = 7.695;
cols = 320; % image width
rows = 240; % image height
fx = focal_length * cols / sensor_width; % unit in pixel
fy = focal_length * rows / sensor_height;
cx = cols/2.0;
cy = rows/2.0;
img_rgb = cell(1,num);
depth_exr = cell(1,num);
for i = 1:num
img_rgb{i} = imread(['path\SUK_L',num2str(i,'%05d'),'.png']);
depth_exr{i} = exrread(['path\SUK_L_depth',num2str(i,'%05d'),'.exr']); end
scan_gt = cell(1,num);
depth_scale = 5.0;
for i = 1:num
xyzPoints = zeros(rows, cols, 3);
for v = 1:rows % rows
for u = 1:cols % cols
d = depth_exr{i}(v,u,1);
if d == 0
depth_pixel = depth_scale * double(d);
xyzPoints(v,u,3) = depth_pixel;
xyzPoints(v,u,1) = (u - cx)*depth_pixel/fx; % x coordinates
xyzPoints(v,u,2) = (v - cy)*depth_pixel/fy; % y coordinates
ptCloudOut = pointCloud(xyzPoints, 'Color', img_rgb{i});
scan_gt{i} = ptCloudOut; end
% transform quaternion from the unity left handed space to matlab right handed space
% y direction is opposite
% [q0, q1, q2, q3]-->[q0, -q1, q2, -q3] under y direction is opposite
quat = [q0, q1, q2, q3];
quat(2) = quat(2)*(-1);
quat(4) = quat(4)*(-1);
rotm = quat2rotm(quat);
% tranform translation from unity left handed space to matlab right handed space
% [x,-y,z]-->[x,y,z] under x direction is opposite
transt = [x,y,z]
transt(2) = transt(2) * (-1);
% "rotm" is the camera's pose in the world space, so rotm's transpose can transform the camera's
% scan back to its original pose in the world space
grdth = [rotm', zeros(3,1); transt*10, 1]; % convert cm to mm, the colon model is in mm unit
pose = affine3d(grdth); %pose format in matlab, it transforms the local point cloud into the global colon model space