For week 3, open the Week 3 Assignment.pdf file and follow the instructions. Below are instructions from previous classes.
In Class 2, use the zip button above to download the code for this week.
Again, open SuperKarelViewController.m Follow the instructions in the file.
The following instructions were from class 1.
The first thing to do is click the play button that says "Run" in the upper left hand corner. You should see the iPhone simulator pop up and an app should load with a robot in the top-left named Karel and four buttons in the bottom right, each with a line of code. Click the buttons to see what each line of code does. Try to draw out the letter "T" with beepers.
When you're familiar with what each line of code does, go back to XCode. The left panel of XCode is where we get to our files. Click the down arrow to expand the Karel project, and then click the down arrow to open the Karel folder underneath. Click "SuperKarelViewController.m" to open the file.
You'll see instructions in green. Under those instructions, try writing the code from the buttons in the iPhone simulator. Make sure each line is copied exactly. That means the brackets must be there, the semicolon at the end must be there, and the capitalization must be exactly the same, otherwise there will be an error. Write a few of them and then click "Run" again. Watch Karel do what you programmed her to do. Try to draw a + or something else interesting.
Some students also changed the image of Karel. To do this, delete or rename the karel.png file, and drag in the picture you want. Make sure to check "Copy the files" at the top if you are prompted. Then rename your new file to karel.png, and you're good to go.