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The LAMbda Evaluater (LamE) compiles a small Scheme-like functional langauge to the lambda calculus. Development is ongoing, all features are liable to change.


Build with Stack.

  $ git clone && cd LamE
  $ stack setup && stack build  

This builds the executable LamE in the .stack-work folder. You can move it somewhere else and call it directly, or call it from Stack with stack exec LamE [args].

The executable LamE by default takes one LamE source program as an argument and prints the result to standard output.

  $ LamE "val y = 4; let val x = 1 in + y x" 
    \z.((z (\f x.(f (f (f (f (f x))))))) (\f x.x))

The options --bnf and --hnf attempt to reduce the result to beta-normal form and head-normal form, respectively. Note that if the result has no normal form, reduction will never terminate.

$ LamE "let rec x = 1 in x" --bnf
  (\f.((\x.(f (x x))) (\x.(f (x x))))) \x z.((z (\f x.(f x))) (\f x.x))
  \a.((a (\b c.(b c))) (\b c.c))

The options --int, --bool, --char, --string attempt to decode the result. If the result is not of the appropriate type termination is not guaranteed.

  $ LamE "val y = 4; let val x = 1 in + y x" --int
    \z.((z (\f x.(f (f (f (f (f x))))))) (\f x.x))

The options -i FILE and -o FILE allow reading from and writing to files.


Alternatively, you can use the LamE REPL. Launch this with LamER. It's similar to GHCi.

You can enter definitions to be added to the local environment, or expressions to be evaluated.

The REPL supports loading files with the command :l FILE. Refresh loaded modules with :r. Quit with :q.

Finally, you can prefix an expression with a command indicating what to do with the result. The possibilities are :bnf and :hnf to reduce the result, or :int, :bool, :char, :string to interpret the result as the appropriate type. Beware of non-termination!


Curiosity, mainly. We know the untyped lambda calculus is Turing complete, so (loosely speaking), any program and datatype can be encoded as a lambda term.

In particular, it is possible to encode lambda terms themselves, and algorithms about lambda terms (substitution, reduction, etc).

That is the purpose of LamE - to convert programs about the lambda calculus to terms in the lambda calculus.


  • First class functions
  • Call by value semantics
  • Immutable variables
  • Lambda term data-type with pattern matching
  • No type system


Can be found in the examples directory.


Mostly Lisp-ish with a bit of Haskell

See here for a detailed explanation of the syntax.

Future extensions

I'm quite happy with the current state of the project, but some things that might be added in the future are:

  • Better test coverage
  • Better documentation
  • Better error messages
  • Infix arithmetic
  • Some kind of type system?


LAMbda Evaluater - A small Scheme-like language that compiles to the lambda calculus








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