The LAMbda Evaluater (LamE) compiles a small Scheme-like functional langauge to the lambda calculus. Development is ongoing, all features are liable to change.
Build with Stack.
$ git clone && cd LamE
$ stack setup && stack build
This builds the executable LamE
in the .stack-work
folder. You can move it somewhere else and call it directly, or call it from Stack with stack exec LamE [args]
The executable LamE
by default takes one LamE source program as an argument and prints the result to standard output.
$ LamE "val y = 4; let val x = 1 in + y x"
\z.((z (\f x.(f (f (f (f (f x))))))) (\f x.x))
The options --bnf
and --hnf
attempt to reduce the result to beta-normal form and head-normal form, respectively. Note that if the result has no normal form, reduction will never terminate.
$ LamE "let rec x = 1 in x" --bnf
(\f.((\x.(f (x x))) (\x.(f (x x))))) \x z.((z (\f x.(f x))) (\f x.x))
\a.((a (\b c.(b c))) (\b c.c))
The options --int, --bool, --char, --string
attempt to decode the result. If the result is not of the appropriate type termination is not guaranteed.
$ LamE "val y = 4; let val x = 1 in + y x" --int
\z.((z (\f x.(f (f (f (f (f x))))))) (\f x.x))
The options -i FILE
and -o FILE
allow reading from and writing to files.
Alternatively, you can use the LamE REPL. Launch this with LamER
. It's similar to GHCi.
You can enter definitions to be added to the local environment, or expressions to be evaluated.
The REPL supports loading files with the command :l FILE
. Refresh loaded modules with :r
. Quit with :q
Finally, you can prefix an expression with a command indicating what to do with the result. The possibilities are :bnf
and :hnf
to reduce the result, or :int
, :bool
, :char
, :string
to interpret the result as the appropriate type. Beware of non-termination!
Curiosity, mainly. We know the untyped lambda calculus is Turing complete, so (loosely speaking), any program and datatype can be encoded as a lambda term.
In particular, it is possible to encode lambda terms themselves, and algorithms about lambda terms (substitution, reduction, etc).
That is the purpose of LamE - to convert programs about the lambda calculus to terms in the lambda calculus.
- First class functions
- Call by value semantics
- Immutable variables
- Lambda term data-type with pattern matching
- No type system
Can be found in the examples
Mostly Lisp-ish with a bit of Haskell
See here for a detailed explanation of the syntax.
I'm quite happy with the current state of the project, but some things that might be added in the future are:
- Better test coverage
- Better documentation
- Better error messages
- Infix arithmetic
- Some kind of type system?