Hikari(Light in Japanese, name stolen from the Nintendo Switch game Xenoblade Chronicles 2) is my hackathon-ishtoy project for the 2017 Christmas to kill time.It's already stable enough to use in production environment. However, as initially planned, Hikari has been ported to LLVM 6.0 release version and no longer being actively maintained for obvious reasons (Time & effort it takes, retards spamming my personal email asking for support,etc). You can find the history of its development at developer
branch. Further enhancements include more features like Code-Intergrity Checking and a full anti-hook implementation. These are not open-source and will probably be released as a commercial product. If you know me close enough we can discuss the license model and pricing issue because I might not be able to provide real-time bug fix and stuff.
English Documentation
Hikari(即日语中的光,命名来源自NS游戏异度之刃2) 是我在2017年圣诞节期间的玩具项目,目前已经足够稳定可以在生产环境中使用。然而,正如一开始所计划的那样。Hikari已经被移植到LLVM 6.0Release版本并由于显而易见的原因终止支持(时间和精力成本,吸引来的弱智骚扰我的私人联系方式,等等)。你可以在developer
分支上找到开发历史。后续的额外更新包含例如代码完整性校验以及完整的反Hook等功能,这一部分并不开源并且可能会在机会合适的情况下作为商业产品的一部分放出。 如果您私底下认识我,我们或许可以讨论授权模式和价格等问题
This script assumes current working directory is not the user's home directory(aka ~/
). cd
to some where else if this is the case. This script also assumes you have cmake
and ninja
installed, if not, use Homebrew and similar package managers to install them
) ,如果是的话请先cd到其他目录。这个脚本也假设您的macOS中有安装cmake和ninja,如果没有的话请使用Homebrew之类的包管理工具先行安装
git clone -b release_60 https://github.com/HikariObfuscator/Hikari.git Hikari \
&& mkdir Build && cd Build && \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/Library/Developer/ ../Hikari && ninja &&ninja install-xcode-toolchain && git clone \
https://github.com/HikariObfuscator/Resources.git ~/Hikari && rsync -ua \ /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/ \ ~/Library/Developer/Toolchains/Hikari.xctoolchain/ && \
rm ~/Library/Developer/Toolchains/Hikari.xctoolchain/ToolchainInfo.plist
- Running AntiClassDump On A File Without ObjC Class will crash the executable.在没有ObjC类的源码里打开反class-dump后编译产物会崩溃
This only demonstrates a limited part of Hikari's capabilities. Download the complete demo and analyze yourself, link in the documentation