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Aubergine edited this page Jun 10, 2019 · 5 revisions


Each release should have a related Milestone that tracks all changes associated with the release.

Creating a Milestone

If it doesn't already exist, Create New Milestone for the release:

  • Title = version number, eg. 10.21
  • Due Date = when a release is being published, set the date to when the files were uploaded to workshop
  • Description = changelog for the release, covering all notable changes
    • This is usually updated multiple times during the development/test/release cycle.

Milestone descriptions

Keep on top of the description text, because during release it gets copied to lots of other places:

You can look at [Closed Milestones] to see examples of formatting of the Description field (note: you have to edit the milestone to see the markdown). In general, each entry should stat with a word that indicates the nature of the change, as applicable:

* Added: _summarise new feature_ (_refs_)
* Improved: _summarise improvement (a partial fix or enhancement)_ (_refs_)
* Fixed: _summarise a bug fix_ (_refs_)
* Updated: _summarise update to existing feature_ (_refs_)
* Removed: _summarise what was removed_ (_refs_)
* Meta: _summarise some other change, eg. build process or GitHub stuff_ (_refs_)

If any change was contributed by someone not on the core TM:PE team, thank them in the release notes, for example:

  • Updated: Whatever translation (thanks whoever) (#whatever)

Tracking changes

Every change should have an associated Issue and/or Pull Request, and those should be assigned to the relevant Milestone (via link in sidebar of the issue or PR).

Closing a Milestone

When a release has been published, the Milestone should be closed, but make sure the Due Date has been set to the release date first.

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