- python
- python-virtualenv
- curl
- pandas
- numpy
- matplotlib
- flask
- flask_cors
- opencv-python
- ipykernel
- tensorflow
- torch
after the command finishes you should have the gzip.zip file in the datasets folder
the script will also extract the zip file
if the script fails consider downloading the dataset manually:
- https://www.nist.gov/itl/products-and-services/emnist-dataset
- https://biometrics.nist.gov/cs_links/EMNIST/Readme.txt
- https://biometrics.nist.gov/cs_links/EMNIST/gzip.zip
cd py_stats
./analysis.py # graph char counts
./checkdupes.py # check for duplicates
./grid.py # draw grids for first couple of images
before running anything, setup the virtual environment with:
cd py_tensorflow
source p3env/bin/activate
run the following command if you want to train the network on the entire EMNIST set (train+test)
run the following commands if you want to train the network on 80% of the set and test on the remaining 20%
Test the trained network with
this will run a flask server web page on http://localhost:5000/index that will allow you to draw characters and test the accuracy of the convolutional neural network
single character detection
multiple character detection, newer version (needs some work)
cd py_torch
source p3env/bin/activate