I am too lazy to maintain separate projects, now I've moved these code back to my neovim config extras, copy the source code if you need.
LazyVim Presets, PERSONAL LazyVim extras, may change often, to avoid breaking, should always override the options or copy the source code to become your own one.
My purpose is make it more like vscode.
-- lua/config/lazy.lua, should under LazyVim and above your plugins
spec = {
{ "LazyVim/LazyVim", import = "lazyvim.plugins" },
{ "2nthony/lazyvimp" },
{ import = "plugins" },
{ import = "lazyvimp.cmp-supertab" }
Unlike lazyvim receipes supertab or nvim-cmp wiki supertab.
If in a snippet, tab
jump to next, s-tab
will jump back; if NOT in a snippet and cmp menu visible, tab
will map to the enter
; otherwise is just a tab
{ import = "lazyvimp.cmp-esc-unlink-snippet" }
When in a snippet, esc
(back to normal mode) will unlink/break the snippet actions, means no more jump next action.
{ import = "lazyvimp.project" }
Unlike lazyvim.extras.util.project.
I use my forked project.nvim to make this like vscode, press the enter
button will restore the sessions.
{ import = "lazyvimp.copy-lines-action" }
Simliar to vscode Copy line up / down.
But map to s-a-j
and s-a-k
, support visual mode.
- lazyvim
- 2nthony/project.nvim