#JavaScript Resources
This is a repository for all the JavaScript resources that I come across and believe are worth sharing and archiving. It will continue to grow with time, so check back frequently. Feel free to fork the project and contribute!
- Eloquent JavaScript by Marijn Haverbeke and his Github Repo for the book
- JavaScript & jQuery book by Jon Duckett
- Mozilla JavaScript Guide
- Douglas Crockford's JavaScript Website
- JavaScript Garden
- Angus Croll's JavaScript, JavaScript... Webblog
- Computer Science in JavaScript by Nicholas Zakas
- Annotated and Hyperlinked version of ES5
- JavaScript Koans
- Kyle Simpson's "You Don't Know JS" - Best JavaScript book series to date. I recommend it over Douglas Crockford's "JavaScript the Good Parts" particularly because this book takes you from the very foundation of JS and builds up.
- A Re-Introduction to JavaScript by Mozilla Developer Network
###Reactive Programming
- ReactiveX - An API for Asynchronous Programming
- Jafar Hussein Tutorial on Functional and Reactive Programming
- Introduction to RxJS
- RxJS Koans
- RxMarbles - Interactive diagrams of Rx Observables
- Exercism.io A good place to learn more about writing good code in all languages. Most of the people who comment on your code give good tips.
- Codeeval.com An excellent resource for coding challenges and practicing your problem solving and algorithmic skills. Featuring challenges in over 21 languages, including JavaScript.
- Codewars.com Another great place to learn how to write better code and practice your problem solving with increasing levels of difficulty and various different languages.
###Design Patterns
- Addy Osmani's "Learning JavaScript Design Patterns" and a Github Repo for the book
- Todd Motto - Mastering the Module Pattern
###Functional JS
###Object Oriented JS
- Udacity's OOP Course Notes and a Github Repo with some good notes
- Mozilla's Introduction to Object-Oriented JavaScript
- MomentJS
- Underscore
- Lodash
- RamdaJS
- Annyang Speech Recognition
- RecorderJS - A plugin for recording/exporting the output of Web Audio API nodes
- JS Interview Algorithms by That JS Dude
- Algorithm Implementations in different languages and JavaScript
- JavaScript Algorithms
- JavaScript Algorithms by Matt Blair
- AlgorithmsJS Classic algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript
- Shamasis Bhattacharya - Infinite Ways to Detect Arrays in JavaScript
- Edward Mann - Ten ways to reverse a string in JavaScript
- Regex101 My favorite RegEx site for testing
###Style Guides
###Responsive Webdesign (JS)
###Hybrid Languages
###Structured Curriculum
- FreeCodeCamp A free, full-stack structured curriculum focusing entirely on JavaScript
- JavaScript.com From the makers of "Try Ruby", CodeSchool, comes a new introductory site for those wanting to get their feet wet in JS in an interactive fashion.