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01. Identity: Keystone

AJ NOURI edited this page Mar 20, 2017 · 10 revisions
  1. Using Horizon, get the necessay credential variables to get access to Openstack environment through CLI.
  2. Create a project named "new-project1", a user "new-user1" with password "new-user1", and assign a new role role "manager" to that user.
  3. Without accessing Horizon, build a user credential file to get access to CLI openstack client.
  • project domain id : default
  • user domain id : default
  • project name : admin
  • user name : admin
  • type of password : password

4.A new service is developped to manage projects IPv4 and IPv6 address space (IPAM). You are asked to create a service and associate the appropriate endpoints:


  • type: ipam
  • name: ipam
  • description: ipam service

endpoint Interfaces

5.You are told to create a keypair named "ku1p1" for a user "u1p1" (passwrd="u1p1") from on project "p1" without accessing the Dashboard. Knowing you already have an RC file for another user you have access to.

file openrc_demo:

export OS_USERNAME=demo
export OS_PASSWORD=openstack
export PS1='[\u@\h \W(keystone_demo)]$ '
export OS_AUTH_URL=

export OS_TENANT_NAME=demo

Domain specific configuration

  1. Create a domain named "domain1"
  2. Create a project named "domain1_project1" within the domain "domain1"
  3. Create a user "domain1_admin" in the domain "domain1"
  4. Assign domain scope "admin" role to user "domain1_admin"
  5. Create a regular user within the domain "domain1"