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LC 0013 [E] Roman to Integer

Code with Senpai edited this page Dec 16, 2020 · 1 revision
class Solution:
# @param {string} s
# @return {integer}
def romanToInt(self, s):
    roman = {'M': 1000,'D': 500 ,'C': 100,'L': 50,'X': 10,'V': 5,'I': 1}
    z = 0
    for i in range(0, len(s) - 1):
        if roman[s[i]] < roman[s[i+1]]:
            z -= roman[s[i]]
            z += roman[s[i]]
    return z + roman[s[-1]]
def romanToInt(self, s):
        :type s: str
        :rtype: int
        _dict = {'I':1,'V':5,'X':10,'L':50,'C':100,'D':500,'M':1000}
        prev = 0
        sum = 0
        for i in s[::-1]:
            curr = _dict[i]
            if prev > curr:
                sum -= curr
                sum += curr
            prev = curr
        return sum
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