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LC 0980 [H] Unique Paths III

Code with Senpai edited this page May 19, 2022 · 3 revisions

DFS because we need to visit all the cells, backtrack because we need to mark them visited and then undo it for each iteration of the 4 directions

class Solution:
    def uniquePathsIII(self, A):
        self.count = 0
        ROWS = len(A)
        COLS = len(A[0])
        start_r = None
        start_c = None
        num_empty = 1 # include start

        # count empty, the 
        for r in range(ROWS):
            for c in range(COLS):
                if A[r][c] == 1: # find starting square
                    start_r, start_c = (r, c)
                elif A[r][c] == 0: # count rest of walkable squares
                    num_empty += 1

        def dfs(r, c, num_remain):
            if not ( (0 <= r < ROWS and 0 <= c < COLS) and (A[r][c] >= 0) ): return # (in bounds) and (walkable=0 or start=1 or end=2)
                                                          # not (A[r][c] < 0) # obstacle=-1 or visited=-2

            if A[r][c] == 2: # ending square
                if num_remain == 0:
                    self.count += 1
                A[r][c] = -2 # mark visited for next direction
                for dr, dc in ((0,1),(0,-1),(1,0),(-1,0)):
                    dfs(r + dr, c + dc, num_remain - 1)
                A[r][c] = 0 # recursion done, backtrack

        dfs(start_r, start_c, num_empty)
        return self.count
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