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LC 0443 [M] String Compression

Code with Senpai edited this page Feb 14, 2022 · 1 revision
class Solution(object):

    def compress(self, chars):
        # make it a bit faster
        if len(chars) < 2:
            return len(chars)
        # pointers: r (main iterator), l (start of contiguous), write (write pointer)

        # the start position of the contiguous group of characters we are currently reading.
        l = 0

        # position to Write Next
        # we start with 0 then increase it whenever we write to the array
        write = 0

        # we go through each caharcter till we fiand a pos where the next is not equal to it
        # then we check if it has appeared more than once using the anchor and r(read) pointers
        # 1. iterate till we find a diffrent char
        # 2. record the no. of times the current char was repeated
        for r, c in enumerate(chars):

            # check if we have reached the end or a different char
            # check if we are end or the next char != the current
            if (r + 1) == len(chars) or c != chars[r+1]:
                chars[write] = c
                write += 1

                # check if char has been repeated
                # have been duplicated if the read pointer is ahead of the anchor pointer
                if r > l:
                    # check no. of times char has been repeated
                    repeated_times = r - l + 1

                    # write the number
                    for num in str(repeated_times):
                        chars[write] = num
                        write += 1

                # move the anchor to the next char in the iteration
                l = r + 1

        return write
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